Welcome to the Azure MFA plugin

This is the landingpage for the Azure MFA plugin in OpenConext-Stepup.

External service provider

Registration flow

  • 1) Go to Service provider
  • 2) Select 'https://azuremfa.surfconext.nl/saml/metadata' from the 'Identity Provider' list
  • 3) Click the 'login' button
  • 4) Click the 'Register user' button

Authentication flow

  • 1) Go to Service provider
  • 2) Select 'https://azuremfa.surfconext.nl/saml/metadata' from the 'Identity Provider' list
  • 3) Fill in the user NameId in the 'subject' field
  • 4) Click the 'login' button
  • 5) Click the 'Authenticate user' button